May 14, 2019 02:30 PM - 03:45 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190514T1430 20190514T1545 Asia/Hong_Kong Plenary Session III - Service Transformation

Service Transformation

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P3.1 Creating Large Scale System Transformation.pdf

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P3.2 Hospitals as "Anchor Institutions" – What Role Can Hospitals Play, Working with Other Partners, in Addressing Social Challenges and Developing Healthy and Prosperous Communities?.pdf

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HA Convention 2019
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Service Transformation

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P3.1 Creating Large Scale System Transformation.pdf

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P3.2 Hospitals as "Anchor Institutions" – What Role Can Hospitals Play, Working with Other Partners, in Addressing Social Challenges and Developing Healthy and Prosperous Communities?.pdf

Creating Large Scale System TransformationView Abstract
Speaker 02:35 PM - 03:05 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/14 06:35:00 UTC - 2019/05/14 07:05:00 UTC
This session will describe the approach taken by one Local Health District in NSW to create the conditions for system transformation. The focus of this transformation was to ensure the organisation, its hospitals and local multiprofessional teams were supported to deliver safe and reliable care that was truly person centred.
The session will describe the three year journey the organisation embarked on and the learnings and challenges in taking an organisation wide systems approach to change and improvement. In addition, how an emphasis on leadership and organisational development secured fiscal control without compromising quality and safety.
After this session you will:
- Understand the link between building capacity building and improved outcomes for patients
- Understand how local data can be harnessed to support frontline teams to lead improvement that touches patients.
- Understand how to take a strategic approach to safety system transformation
Presenters Gerry Marr
Hospitals as “Anchor Institutions” – What Role Can Hospitals Play, Working with Other Partners, in Addressing Social Challenges and Developing Healthy and Prosperous Communities?View Abstract
Speaker 03:05 PM - 03:35 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/14 07:05:00 UTC - 2019/05/14 07:35:00 UTC
Modern health systems remain built around acute care in hospitals. These miracle factories have delivered dramatic improvements in life expectancy, but they were ill adapted to cope with the consequences of their success – an ageing population with a complex mix of chronic health conditions and social challenges. What is the point in handing out inhalers for asthma only to send people back to damp or unsanitary housing that is exacerbating their conditions? Is it enough to give courses of antibiotics to elderly people with pneumonia, without addressing the social isolation or poor nutrition that makes particular people vulnerable to infection? This presentation will discuss the broader role that hospitals – the healthcare organisations with the greatest influence and resources – can play in addressing the ‘social determinants’ of ill health and creating healthier communities. It argues that the greatest hospital systems are taking a broad perspective on their role and purpose, playing an active role in prevention rather than just treatment, and using their resources in ways that help to address the underlying social and economic factors causing ill-health.
Presenters Ben Collins
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