Traditionally, training in real environment is considered important for independence and successful community integration but often is given near the final stage of rehabilitation programmes. This talk will show case a few VR-based systems developed in Hong Kong, which target at assessment and training of patients with cognitive decline due to different pathologies. In a safe and near real-life environment, cognitive training can start even at the early stage and have demonstrated proven efficacy and effectiveness. With high generalization power of VR, together with activation of similar neural structure provided by the virtual environment and interaction activities, it is conductive for patients to apply learning to real environment and may reduce convalesce time. For instances, a VR-based prospective memory assessment has been developed with high validity and reliability for clinical use. VRehab is a computer-assisted rehabilitation system for patients to receive stimulation training, such as using public transport, mobile phones and ATMs as well as grocery shopping. A virtual boutique is a computer application on cognitive training, using a retailing boutique shop as the training scenario. Patients will assume the role of a sales person to carry out real-life tasks for training their attention, memory, executive function and problem solving abilities. Research findings indicated that they can better apply the skills they acquire in this training to their daily lives e.g. sales and problem solving. Another VR-based convenient shop has been developed to train more demanding cognitive skills such as prospective memory, execution and problem solving, as well as vocational skills for better employability of persons who have been limited from productive work due to cognitive deficits.