Ageing in place is not only a policy target of the HKSAR Government, but also the desire of many elderly people. In the recently completed Elderly Services Programme Plan, the government pledged to provide more community support services to elderly people to enable them to live in the community instead of moving into institutions unnecessarily. At the same time, there were new attempts to maintain the health of elderly people and reduce the caring burden of their carers through medical-social collaboration. A recent example was the Dementia Community Support Scheme jointly launched by the Food and Health Bureau, Social Welfare Department and the welfare sector.
This presentation will introduce how technology could be employed to facilitate ageing in place, and illustrate how medical and social sectors can make use of technologies to enhance the effectiveness of their interventions. Some local and overseas examples will be quoted to demonstrate how technology could facilitate health management, early detection and intervention, and self-management, etc. New initiatives of the HKCSS will also be highlighted.