Harnessing Information Technology for Undergraduate Orthopaedic Teaching

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Recent pedagogical focus has shifted from teacher-orientated knowledge transfer to outcome-based learning. In an undergraduate orthopaedic teaching module, Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are explicitly specified right at the start of the module. To help students cope with the SLO through harnessing advancement in information technology (IT), a web-based SLO Mapping Platform (the SMP) supporting multimedia teaching materials was constructed in phases. 

SMP-I represented the first phase through incorporation of three key components within one single hub: (i) the learning outcomes mapped with (ii) a comprehensive archive of electronic homemade learning materials and (iii) self-assessment exercises. Following the success with the initial SMP-I, an upgrade version was developed, the SMP-II, engineered with an advanced attribute-based Performance Analysis Reporting (PAR) System that was coupled with a MCQ bank and its attribute-dependent examination paper generator. In addition, a discussion platform was installed for student’s upload of questions on academic topics, constructive messages regarding teaching arrangement or appreciative remarks that can be most incentivizing for teachers to continue teaching out of their busy work schedule.

To understand whether the SMP was serving our students well, surveys were conducted to collect feedback questionnaires and other outcome measures. Among 232 students recruited to fill in acceptance and usefulness questionnaires with a “1-6” Likert Scale, the average scores for various items ranged from 4.67 to 5.08 indicating very satisfactory outcomes. As for the PAR System, 168 Year-5 medical students underwent a mid-module Formative Assessment (FA) of 30 A-type MCQs covering ten orthopaedics sub-topics. PAR was released shortly after the FA for students’ reference on study adjustment. Feedback questionnaires were used to evaluate users’ acceptance. The performance at the final examination was compared between two consecutive years without and with PAR respectively. Feedback questionnaires' average scores for various items ranged from 4.01 to 4.36 in students (n=147) and from 4.50 to 5.25 in teachers (n=14) indicating good results. Mean scores on A-MCQ items at the final examination increased from 27.04±3.03 in 2014 (n=167, without PAR) to 28.33±3.26 in 2015 (n=168, with PAR) (p< 0.05).

The evaluation so far indicated a very satisfactory outcome with the SMP, both for its initial form and the subsequent SMP-II. Students found the SMP a useful learning tool with clear layout. Given its acceptance and usefulness for an undergraduate program, and improvement in students’ academic performance associated with its use, the SMP is an effective web-based teaching and learning tool not only for orthopaedic modules, but also for other professional training programs requiring low cost for long-term administration of this IT platform. 

This project was supported by UGC Teaching Development Grant (2009-12 & 2012-15 Triennium)


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