Sharing on Overseas Corporate Scholarship Program (Heamatology & Oncology) in Sickkids Toronto

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Abstract Description

Objective and Purpose of the Overseas Training

Sickkids Toronto is a research-intensive and worldwide famous institute which dedicates to improve children’s health in Canada. It offers comprehensive services across a wide range of pediatric clinical specialties. Through partnership with the University of Toronto, it provides teaching & training to healthcare workers locally & globally. We are honor to participate in the one-month training in Sickkids Toronto. The main theme was to visit hematology & oncology unit & to look for good practices that could be translatable to Hong Kong local setting. 

Key Activities

The overseas training was held from 26th February to 23rd March 2018. We had ward visit to observe ward settings, nurses’ daily practices & operation. We had plenty of chances to interact with healthcare workers there & exchange experience. It was impressive that Sickkids Toronto has a concrete schedule of training for all new comers & plenty of update courses for experienced nurses, which we attended some of them. We also visited the late effect clinic, sat in meeting with palliative team, visited Emily’s House (children hospice) & met with pediatric interlink community cancer nurses. We even had chance to visit places & to meet people other than hematology & oncology unit which work closely together; for example the Acute Pain Service Team, the Image Guided Therapy (IGT) unit to observe insertion & removal of central venous catheter in operation theatre, tour to families friendly spaces & Good-To-Go Program. The one-month trip was fruitful, inspiring & enlightening. 

Outcomes & Experience Sharing

This year, the scientific programme of the HA Convention 2019 focuses on the HA’s core values, namely “People-centred Care”, “Professional Service”, “Committed Staff” and “Teamwork”. Speaker will try to conclude & share her experience in Sickkids Toronto under these four HA core values. Some of them are totally innovative to local setting & some may inspire how we could improve our current practices. 


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