Point of Care Testing - How we start ?

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Point of Care Testing (POCT) is becoming increasing popular in different specialties of medicine. It has gained its popularity and recognition gradually over recent years. It allows for real-time and rapid assessment of patient status. It is especially important for those situations in which the patient status is changing rapidly, for example, dire medical emergencies, dire surgical emergencies, haemorrhage situations (including trauma, post-partum haemorrhage, major surgical reconstruction cases), transplants, etc. It allows for rapid titration of our management to the rapidly changing patient’s needs. This facilitates the success of management of modern medicine and surgery.

In major trauma cases, severe bleeding is commonly encountered. How to control the bleed and to minimize the bleed is the key to successful management. Apart from good surgical skills to control the bleeding source, optimising the patient’s haemostatic environment is also very important. In major trauma cases, very often, torrential bleeding is frequently encountered. In these cases, various processes involved in haemostasis (clot formation, clot stabilisation, fibrinolysis) are all changing from minute to minute. How to monitor these changing parameters on real-time basis can be the key to success. This supports the Anaesthesiologist to tackle the lethal triad (coagulopathy, acidosis and hypothermia).

Point of Care Test (POCT) is increasingly used in different major Trauma Centres in different parts of the world (Europe, Australia, Asia and US). Sonoclot, TEG, ROTEM are different viscoelastic technologies providing POCT test on haemostatic profile. Studies have shown that this allows for reduction in consumption of blood products in major bleeding cases.

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