Medical Professionalism - Local Views

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Medical professionalism is the belief system that formulates and upholds the values and standards of medical practice. It underpins our social contract with society that allows us to self-regulate and maintain autonomy. Changing expectations from patients and doctors as well as the introduction of disruptive technologies such as genomics and genetics, robotic surgery and big data analytics prompt us to re-think how medical professionalism should be articulated and inculcated in the contemporary era. 

The recent establishment of the Professionalism and Ethics Committee by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) is a response to the challenges. This Committee is tasked to:

(1) promote medical professionalism and ethical practice among Academy Fellows through education, training and advocacy;

(2) review and advise on the provision of specialty-specific training in medical ethics and professionalism by Academy Colleges;

(3) respond to requests by the Academy Council, the Education Committee and others as appropriate, and collaborates with relevant external organizations when necessary, on ethical issues related to the practice of specialty medicine and dentistry, public policy and other Academy matters;

(4) identify, examine and bring forward issues of ethical importance deserving the attention of the Academy Council, its constituent Colleges or committees;

This paper examines the opportunities for and challenges against these endeavors.


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