Optimization of Patient Management System (PMS) - A Step to Quality Improvement

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Abstract Description

Facing with an ever-increasing turnover rate and increase fragility of in-patient in Shatin Hospital, finding an effective method to improve the accuracy in treatment prescription and improving the patient safety is always our utmost concern. 

Recent advancement of technology empowers us to have an innovative idea in address this issue. In 2014, we work together with an IT company in designing and creating the PMS.

In this new project, we designed the layout and display of the hardware and laid down the simple logistic in operation while the company offers us the technical support in software and hardware development.

PMS is a computerized system for Occupational therapist to manage daily treatment activities scheduling and provides vital signs monitoring for patients. When using PMS, patient’s journey in Occupational Therapy starts from check-in to the system, implementation of training activities, vital signs real-time monitoring, precautions alert and check out. This system can also provide summary reports for therapist to review patient’s progress and update treatment accordingly.

PMS launched out in Jul 2015 after about a year’s development and preparation work.  The succeed of PMS in improving patient safety, treatment accuracy and operation efficiency encouraged us to continue develop and explore its application potential.

Currently we are developing the phase 5 PMS in Shatin Hospital. With continuous evolution and enhancement, PMS is now consisting 6 operation modules: 1) Monitoring and Scheduling System (MS), 2) Monitoring and Scheduling System GDH (MS GDH), 3) Aids Loan System (AL), 4) Wheelchair Management System (WSM), 5) Mobile Outcome Measurement (MOM) and 6) Psychiatric Mobile Outcome Measurement (PMOM).  The coverage is not limited to rehabilitation in-patient, but also extended to Geriatric Day Hospital and psychiatric in-patient as well.  From now on, every detail about our patients, including their diagnosis, precautions, monitoring data, prescribed training and performance outcomes were stored in the Hospital no. as a barcode on their wristbands.


1. Provide the right treatment to right patient within the right amount of time

2. Minimize human error in vital data capturing

3. Improving efficiency and accuracy of treatment scheduling and monitoring

4. Facilitate electronic documentation and clinical outcome evaluation 

5. Improve the efficiency and monitoring of clinical operation systems 

Major components of PMS

1. Tablet PC for prescription of training, precautions and monitoring 

2. Handheld barcode scanner for recap of prescribed instructions and data recording

3. Bluetooth gadgets for vital monitoring 

4. VGA TV for display of scheduling and monitoring information

5. Back-end server for centralized data analysis and management 


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