The new 1800-bed Woodlands Health Campus (WHC) is the latest healthcare development in Singapore, comprises an integrated acute and community hospital, specialist outpatient clinics, and long-term care facilities. To meet the needs of one of the fastest aging populations in the world compounded by increasing complex health and care coordination issues as well as rising public expectations, WHC set out to break new ground by re-defining the role of the hospital, from being siloed care provider into a vital hub of health ecosystem that integrates hospital with the community.
The design journey started with ethnographic study to understand the local community, and unearth their motivation and aspirations. These insights are fundamental in formulating both the care delivery strategy and the design vision of the campus. Embracing salutogenic design, the campus is positioned as a community asset to inspire healthy lifestyle and influence positive behaviour change through its placemaking and active design strategy. Person-centred medical planning has been the key enabler for seamless transition of care from setting to setting, minimizing transfer and unnecessary movement while empowering patients to self-care. Collaboration with multiple national agencies in seamlessly integrating the campus with the adjacent parkland was a key enabler in actualizing person-centred master plan. Inspired by the tropic rainforest, the campus and parkland were designed as one holistic place for healing with different levels of intimacy and experience for both the patients and the community.