Symposium Convention Hall B invited abstract
May 15, 2019 01:15 PM - 02:29 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190515T1315 20190515T1429 Asia/Hong_Kong Symposium 8 - Application of Improvement Science in Healthcare

Application of Improvement Science in Healthcare

S8.1 Using an Air Accident Investigation Model in Healthcare

S8.2 Using Improvement Science to Drive Improved Outcomes in Patient Safety

S8.3 Effectiveness and Application of the Current Medical Staff Assessment Tool

Convention Hall B HA Convention 2019
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Application of Improvement Science in Healthcare

S8.1 Using an Air Accident Investigation Model in Healthcare

S8.2 Using Improvement Science to Drive Improved Outcomes in Patient Safety

S8.3 Effectiveness and Application of the Current Medical Staff Assessment Tool

Using an Air Accident Investigation Model in HealthcareView Abstract
Speaker 01:20 PM - 01:40 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 05:20:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 05:40:00 UTC
The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch was established by the English healthcare system in 2017 to investigate serious, systemic, patient safety issues using approaches developed from aviation and other safety critical industries. The Chief Investigator is a former pilot who led the UK’s Air Accident Investigation Branch and investigators are from a range of backgrounds including healthcare, air, military and marine accident investigation and academia.
Our investigations do not seek to apportion blame or liability but are based on human factors and just culture principles. The UK government is developing legislation to offer legal protection for witness statements given during the course of investigations, which is standard practice in aviation.
Although many healthcare systems use Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to investigate patient safety events, most other safety-critical industries use a range of other methods based on human factors principles. We have carried out patient safety investigations using a variety of such models and have found that these models might be better suited to the complexities of healthcare than RCA.
Learning objectives;
By the end of this session delegates will be able to;
1. Understand the basic principles behind alternative investigation models and how we have used them in healthcare.
2. Understand the benefits and challenges of adapting approaches from aviation and other industries to healthcare.
3. Learn about some of our experiences in undertaking patient safety investigations using different methods.
Presenters Kevin Stewart
Using Improvement Science to Drive Improved Outcomes in Patient SafetyView Abstract
Speaker 01:40 PM - 02:00 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 05:40:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 06:00:00 UTC
This session will describe how to use improvement science to drive improved outcomes in patient safety.
The session will demonstrate how the model of improvement can empower frontline clinical teams and their patients to drive improvement. The approach will describe how the Lens of Profound Knowledge by Demming can be a leadership tool to build capability in your organisation for safety and improvement. 
Taking a strategic approach to building capability in your organisation in the expert areas of improvement science, measurement and change is pivotal.
After this session you will:
- Understand the link between building capacity building and creating the conditions for change to thrive.
- Understand how local data can be used as a tool for discussion not judgement and empower clinical teams
- Understand how to take a strategic approach to capability plans for improvement and safety
Presenters Gerry Marr
Effectiveness and Application of the Current Medical Staff Assessment ToolView Abstract
Speaker 02:00 PM - 02:20 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 06:00:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 06:20:00 UTC
Performance Management is an important issue in organization performance. The current performance appraisal tool in Hospital Authority is Staff Development Review (SDR), which was implemented since 1994. The objectives of current SDR are focused on development based on the achieved result; strengthen management planning and control process; identify; constructive communication and future appointment decision.
There was no formal review of effectiveness and process of the appraisal along these 25 years. A pilot study was conducted in a local hospital in 2018. The objective is to review the effectiveness, process and implementation of the current appraisal; and comparing the results with the international studies and make recommendations. Assessment the possibility of implementation of latest Worldwide performance management revolution in Hong Kong Public Hospital was also conducted.
Presenters Kenny K Y Yuen
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