Developing Australia’s First Large Scale Digital Hospital

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The Princess Alexandra Hospital is a 1133 bed tertiary referral hospital located in Brisbane, Australia.  The hospital provides care in all major adult specialties, except for obstetrics.  The hospital is recognised for its expertise in trauma management, cancer care, cardiac care and rehabilitation medicine.  It is one of Australia’s busiest surgical hospital and a major transplant centre.

The Princess Alexandra Hospital is a leading academic and research centre through its associated university partners and the Translation Research Institute.

The hospital made a significant investment in building capability to support its digital hospital program and became a fully digital hospital in early 2017.  It now utilises the complete functionality of the Integrated Electronic Medical Record (ieMR) and related digital hospital systems. This has facilitated a fundamental move to the organisation providing high reliability care to patients.

Being a digital hospital has enabled the service to deliver more effective and efficient health care with improved safety and quality. It is achieving measurable benefits through the innovative use of information technology, and the optimisation of processes and practices in clinical, operational and administrative functions.

In hospital was awarded Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model recognition by the international Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. This milestone recognised the hospital as having established clear goals for improving safety, minimising errors, and prioritising the introduction of an ieMR.

The hospital is part of Metro South Hospital and Health Service which provides health care to a population of approximately 1.1 million people. All the hospitals in the Metro South area have subsequently become digital hospitals. This means that when a patient presents to any hospital in the Metro South area, their electronic medical record will be available to the medical staff at that hospital.

The presentation will discuss the drivers for the change, the challenges experienced in delivering on the hospitals digital roadmap, the benefits realised and the lessons learned along the way.

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