Experience Sharing for Application of 3D Printing in Prosthetic & Orthotic Service

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In the past decade, 3D printing technologies were widely applied to the medical services by the medical service providers. The technologies provide more details and accurate information to the surgical team in order to prepare the pre-operative planning before surgery. In addition, 3D printing technologies allow the team to design and make the patient specific instrument (PSI) and the anatomical models by using the patient’s imaging files --- DICOM files which are acquired through CT or MRI. The well prepared surgical plan, the PSI and anatomical models can lead to more accurate surgical result and reduce patient’s health risk during surgery, such as reduce the invasive imaging exposure, reduce the analgesic time and blood lost, etc. It is expected that the time needs for rehabilitation can be shorten and patient’s physical function after surgery could be improved earlier. P&O colleagues paid an important role to assist the surgeon to design the pre-operative planning and patient specific instruments by applying our knowledge in 3D printing as well as in biomedical engineering. For the last few years, some surgeries acquired an amazing results by using the 3D printing techniques. On the other hand, Prosthetist and Orthotist also apply the 3D printing technologies in P&O service. The services include to design and 3D print the tailor-made functional partial hand prosthesis and different kinds of orthoses. In this opportunity, I would like to share our experiences in 3D printing to different specialists and other healthcare professions.

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