Corporate Scholarship Presentation Room 423 & 424 invited abstract
May 15, 2019 01:15 PM - 02:29 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190515T1315 20190515T1429 Asia/Hong_Kong Corporate Scholarship Presentation 2 - Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly

Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly

C2.1 Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly - Doctor's Perspective

C2.2 Developing Ultrasound Surveillance in Vascular Nursing

C2.3 Strengthening Home Care Management with Information Technology

C2.4 Enhancing Functional and Cognitive Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients in Occupational Therapy through Application of Advanced Technology

Room 423 & 424 HA Convention 2019
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Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly

C2.1 Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly - Doctor's Perspective

C2.2 Developing Ultrasound Surveillance in Vascular Nursing

C2.3 Strengthening Home Care Management with Information Technology

C2.4 Enhancing Functional and Cognitive Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients in Occupational Therapy through Application of Advanced Technology

Advancement in Ambulatory and Day Care for Elderly - Doctor's PerspectiveView Abstract
Speaker 01:20 PM - 01:35 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 05:20:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 05:35:00 UTC
Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon. Emergency department is indispensable in the chain of care for geriatric population, hence the need of quality geriatric acute care in the field of emergency medicine. There are two main models of acute geriatric care worldwide: 1. UK model is characterized by Geriatrician-led clinic at A&E Department; 2. Canadian and Singapore model is a joint-effort of emergency physicians and nurses with geriatricians. In this presentation I am going to share the model of geriatric ambulatory care in Singapore, where I had a 3-week attachment in 2018 to different emergency departments with special geriatric protocols. The practice and setting of emergency medicine in Singapore are very similar to the HK system, except that human resources and health care funding are remarkably different. The latter depicts the challenges faced by HK emergency departments in implementing geriatric-specific protocols.
Presenters Chin San Leung
Developing Ultrasound Surveillance in Vascular NursingView Abstract
Speaker 01:35 PM - 01:50 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 05:35:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 05:50:00 UTC
The Endovascular technique was rapidly developed in last two decades with the needs in community.The endovascular procedure becamethe main trend when treating peripheral vascular diseases.
The endovascular procedures were minimal invasive, patient’s length of stay was short, yet stents implanted raised concerns about the patency of vessels after procedures. Therefore, surveillance for the patency of treated vessels becamea significant role at the vascular surgery. 
The duplex ultrasound was one of the best tools for the surveillance role. The full picture of the vessel was presented,which marked with a great sensitivity and specificity and extraordinary low cost compared with other existing methods. 
A team of vascular nurses was sent to Gold Coast, Australia to study vascular ultrasound last year. The course concluded the global leading vascular ultrasound technique with explored Australian vascular nursing growth. We are planning to expend our local service on Post-procedure surveillance to meet the up-to-date needs and the global standards.
Presenters Hoi Wa Ng
Strengthening Home Care Management with Information TechnologyView Abstract
Speaker 01:50 PM - 02:05 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 05:50:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 06:05:00 UTC
With the increased complexity in patient care management due to comorbidities, the use of information technology in community care has drawn increasing attention. There is emerging evidence that information technology can help to improve the access to specialists’ care, identity patients’ health problems earlier, initiate and evaluate treatment plans timely; and hence enable more appropriate and efficient healthcare service delivery. Experience from the Community Outreach Services Team (COST) of the North District Hospital on how to incorporate the use of technologies to manage the ever-increasing service demands in home care settings will be shared. These include barriers and solution that COST nurses encountered during the application of the information technology in community care settings. Moreover, the collaboration with other specialties regarding the use of information technology on patient management through teleconsultation and telecommunication; and the use of mobile device to enhance quality care and data security in community care will also be evaluated and discussed.
Presenters Fung Yuk Lam
Enhancing Functional and Cognitive Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients in Occupational Therapy through Application of Advanced TechnologyView Abstract
Speaker 02:05 PM - 02:20 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 06:05:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 06:20:00 UTC
The concept of active aging has been promulgated for promoting well-being in older people. Rehabilitation plays an important role in helping elderly patients resume daily functioning and make adjustment to the environment. Functional task training is the core Occupational Therapy (OT) intervention to facilitate skill learning and enhance participation. The challenge is to devise appropriate training to the patients with individual needs in physical capacity, cognitive capacity and psycho-social aspect. 
Rehabilitation of elderly patients has been enriched by various evidence-based modalities. Incorporated with the advancement of technology, specific training based on these evidence-based modalities can be delivered to the elderly patients with different needs. Assessment systems are now detecting even small changes in patient’s functional performance for giving the immediate and the required facilitation for task completion. Cognitive training has been programmed according to theory-based learning strategies for patients with dementia. Desirable stimulation can also be provided in group therapy through interactive technology for multiple users. Skill practice done in the environment relevant to the patient has been one of the OT training focuses. Training systems with virtual-reality technology serve this purpose well and offer more options for improving safety awareness in elderly patients. 
The emergence of technology-led innovation in rehabilitation of elderly patients broadens the breadth and depth of training opportunities and optimizes their participation in activity training throughout the hospitalization phase to community phase. The key issue leading to successful application relies on the accurate analysis of the applicability of the equipment in meeting patients’ needs. The input from Occupational Therapists enables the right selection and proper usage of the technology. 
Presenters Kania Wan
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