Ageing in Place: An effective Option from a Housing Sector Perspective

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In face of the rapid ageing population, the Hong Kong Government has formulated her policy in its well-stated statement “Ageing in Place as the Core, Institutional Care as the Backup”. Studies has confirmed that senior people in Hong Kong prefer to age at their homes and familiar communities. Even though the government has invested huge resources on the provision of health and welfare services for the implementation of her policy, she is silent on the housing aspect. Hong Kong Housing Society, as a housing laboratory, has piloted various housing schemes to help seniors fulfil their dreams to age at their preferred environment. In the past 20 years, various housing schemes for the lower income groups, middle income groups and higher income groups have been implemented. Studies of the University of Hong Kong have confirmed the positive results of these housing schemes, for example, in its AIP scheme, it effectively achieved reduction in intention for institutional care, falls, use of A&E services and percentage of older people with depressive symptoms, and increase in satisfaction with living environment, utilization of community care services, participation in social activities, and subjective social support and percentage of elders with unimpaired cognitive performance. To convert these effectiveness in monetary term, the AIP scheme and the SEN scheme have generated $4.83 and $5.07 respectively in return for every dollar invested from its SROI assessment.

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