Parallel Session Theatre 1 invited abstract
May 14, 2019 02:30 PM - 03:45 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190514T1430 20190514T1545 Asia/Hong_Kong Parallel Session 3 -Care for Medical Professionals - Surviving through High Work Pressure and Workplace Violence

Care for Medical Professionals - Surviving through High Work Pressure and Workplace Violence

PS3.1 Retaining Professionalism and Resilience in Adversity

PS3.2 Care for the Carers: The Aftermath of Workplace Violence

Theatre 1 HA Convention 2019
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Care for Medical Professionals - Surviving through High Work Pressure and Workplace Violence

PS3.1 Retaining Professionalism and Resilience in Adversity

PS3.2 Care for the Carers: The Aftermath of Workplace Violence

Retaining Professionalism and Resilience in AdversityView Abstract
Speaker 02:35 PM - 03:05 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/14 06:35:00 UTC - 2019/05/14 07:05:00 UTC
‘Physician wellbeing is the foundation of professionalism’ (West & Shanafelt ,2007) and is described as the ‘missing quality indicator’ (Wallace, Lemaire and Ghali, 2009). Clinician burnout – a triad of emotional exhaustion, ‘depersonalisation’ (cynicism) and a low sense of accomplishment - is a global phenomenon. For example, studies show that nearly a third of doctors in the UK and Hong Kong experience burnout at some stage in their careers and nearly half of physicians in the USA have at least one symptom of burnout. Burnout can lead to mental illness, low morale, adverse patient outcomes, and difficulties with recruitment and retention in the workforce. Professionalism involves a set of values and behaviours that lead to trusting relationships and public confidence. It is underpinned by the virtues such as honesty, courage, compassion and practical wisdom.  But for professionalism to flourish, it requires a supportive environment and adaptive coping strategies.  In this presentation I will consider the personal and organisational resilience factors that reduce the risks of burnout and enhance wellbeing and professionalism. I will explore successful initiatives and programmes that have led to improved outcomes in terms of clinician wellbeing and patient outcomes. These include appreciative inquiry, ‘brain training’ such as mindfulness meditation and compassionate mind training, Schwartz Rounds, wellness programmes, team building, and compassionate leadership. These examples can inform individuals and institutions for potential ways of organising their working practices to optimise clinician wellbeing and patient care.
Care for the Carers: The Aftermath of Workplace ViolenceView Abstract
Speaker 03:05 PM - 03:35 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/14 07:05:00 UTC - 2019/05/14 07:35:00 UTC
In Canada, the healthcare and social services sector accounts for the highest number of non-fatal injuries that result in lost-time claims. According to the Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada, in 2017, accepted lost-time injury statistics show that the health care/social services industry accounts for the highest number of lost-time injuries at 45,001, representing nearly 18% of all lost-time injuries. Workplace violence, in healthcare, is on the rise and contributes significantly to the number of injuries reported. Research suggests that healthcare professionals are at an increased risk of developing physical and psychological disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder, when exposed to violence and traumatic events. This discussion shares the response of a nation to addressing the impact of Violence in Healthcare settings including improvement initiatives aimed to protect and promote health, safety, and wellness of all healthcare professionals. Emphasis on sharing developments in legislation, policy, and standards on building resilience in healthcare providers and creating safer work environments.
A review of current literature specific to improving health and wellness of healthcare professionals and workplace violence in the healthcare sector including amendments to Occupational Health and Safety legislation (both nationally and provincially) in Canada 2010 to 2019.
Learning objectives:
1. Identify improvement initiatives to protect and promote health, safety, and wellbeing of healthcare professionals and those impacted by workplace violence
2. Gain an awareness of a multi-faceted approach to violence prevention including legislation developments both provincially and nationally in Canada.
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