“95210 for Health”- an Easy-to-remember Formula to Combat Childhood Obesity

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng HY1 Law RYC1 Lui MMW1 Chan LTW1
Affiliation :
1 Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
Childhood obesity is a major health problem both worldwide and in Hong Kong. According to the latest data from Student Health Service, up to 20% of secondary school students are overweight or obese. We need to combat obesity during this critical period, or else it will track into adulthood and impose an enormous healthcare burden. Numerous researches have been conducted, yet there is no effective solution to the problem. “95210 for Health” (95210) was created by Community Health Solutions in United State and was made available for public use at no charge. It is an easy-to-remember formula for promoting healthy living for children, teens and their family. These are five key evidence based behaviors which contribute to healthy weight and good health for children. The details are as follows: 9- Get at least nine hours of sleep per day. 5 - Five servings of fruits and vegetables per day 2 - Limit screen time to 2 hours or less 1 - Get at least 1 hour of physical activity per day 0 - Eliminate sugar-added beverages
Objectives :
To evaluate the knowledge and the perceived usefulness of healthy behaviors from 95210.
Methodology :
A questionnaire was designed to evaluate the understanding of the 95210 and the perceived usefulness from the general public. Respondent was invited during a community health exhibition in a shopping mall at Tseung Kwan O in 2018. Details of 95210 were explained in 2 to 3 minutes individually.
Result & Outcome :
105 respondents were invited. They were mostly children, teens or their caretaker. 60% of them were female. 89% of the respondents did not have prior knowledge of the healthy behaviors of 95210. 95% of them rated the usefulness of 95210 to 7 or above on a 10-point Likert scale. Conclusion The five key healthy behaviors from 95210 were not familiar among local children and their family. However, this easy-to-remember formula was well accepted and regarded useful as a tool towards a healthy lifestyle. Hence it should be further promulgated in Hong Kong.

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