The Hong Kong Special Administrative Government (hereafter HKSARG) proposed to launch a Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) in an attempt to incentivise the middle class to use more private health care services so as to lessen the burden on public health care services, in addition to implement more regulations on the hitherto more or less unregulated private health care industry and the insurance market. The proposed scheme has consulted the public and different involving parties for over six years and the minimum requirements previously set by the HKSARG has recently been amended. The main adjustments include the cancellation of the reserved 50 billion Hong Kong dollars in setting up the high-risk pool, the guarantee acceptance and portability from the original design.
The viability of the VHIS hinges mainly on whether it can attract the support of the working population in Hong Kong, especially those who have a stable income and can afford the premium. In designing this research project, employees and employers from several major industries in Hong Kong were chosen - the summation of their total GDP equivalents to 4% of Hong Kong total GDP. Their response to the upcoming VHIS is significant, as their decision on up taking of VHIS or not may affect those of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as those small firms’ employers and employees in Hong Kong.
Employers and employees’ representatives from major companies in Hong Kong were selected to be my interviewees. Face-to-face interviews with both employers and employees’ representatives were conducted and a total of 8 companies in different industries and one local university were selected. Most of the employers in the selected companies are not enthusiastic towards the upcoming VHIS for a number of reasons including insufficient manpower, high administrative costs, inadequate coverage, bad timing (they estimated that the proposed launching year [2019] would likely to be in a recession period) and lack of support from their staff. Similar findings from the employees’ representatives were obtained and the major reasons for their lack of interest in the VHIS include: that their existing GHI is already comprehensive enough, and they do not want to level down their existing coverage, their unwillingness to pay out-of-pocket to buy an extra plan or top up to the VHIS plan, that they are healthy enough and unneedy at the present moment etc. Besides, factors affecting their selected plan were asked and through such data analysing, we hope to collect more information on what are the obstacles that affect the major companies’ employers and employees on taking up the scheme. Afterall, this research findings contradict some previous local researches done which claimed that the VHIS has the support of most people in Hong Kong.