Parallel Session Theatre 1 invited abstract
May 15, 2019 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190515T0900 20190515T1015 Asia/Hong_Kong Parallel Session 5 - Smart Hospital

Smart Hospital

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PS5.1 Smart Hospitals: UK Experience in Going Paperless

PS5.2 Insights on FinTech Development and Application in Hong Kong

PS5.3 HA Go, Get Set Go

Theatre 1 HA Convention 2019
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Smart Hospital

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PS5.1 Smart Hospitals: UK Experience in Going Paperless

PS5.2 Insights on FinTech Development and Application in Hong Kong

PS5.3 HA Go, Get Set Go

Smart Hospitals: UK Experience in Going PaperlessView Abstract
Speaker 09:05 AM - 09:25 AM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 01:05:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 01:25:00 UTC
The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) sets out a bold vision to shift the paradigm of care settings from paper to paper-free over the next few years. At the centre of the paper-free programme lies the roll-out of EMR across the nation and the creation of local care records that follow a patient through primary, secondary and tertiary settings. The approach taken to roll-out has been the creation of a Smart Hospitals- a 'Global Digital Exemplar' cohort of leading hospitals who will reach HIMSS 7 in the next couple of years and who will share their knowledge and experience with the next cohort of fast-followers. The lessons learned have highlighted the importance of efficient and agile hospital design, integrated care masterplans, extensive user engagement and the benefits of building competence and capability ahead of complex implementation.
Presenters Noel Gordon
Insights on FinTech Development and Application in Hong KongView Abstract
Speaker 09:25 AM - 09:45 AM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 01:25:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 01:45:00 UTC
The term FinTech, a portmanteau of "financial technology", is used to describe new digital technology which has the potential to improve the delivery of financial services. FinTech helps companies, business owners, and consumers to better manage their financial operations, processes, and daily lives through the use of specialised software and algorithms in computers and, increasingly, in smartphones. 
Today, FinTech is involved in nearly all technological innovation and automation in the financial sector, and is responsible for major advances in retail banking, wealth management, lending and borrowing, fundraising, money transfers/payments, investment management, and more.
In this presentation, Mr. Vincent Hui will give an overview of Hong Kong’s FinTech ecosystem as well as the implications of emerging technologies for the city’s banking and healthcare industries. Mr. Hui will also share some updates on the Bank of East Asia’s latest developments in innovation and digitalisation.
Presenters Vincent Hui
HA Go, Get Set GoView Abstract
Speaker 09:45 AM - 10:05 AM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 01:45:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 02:05:00 UTC
Innovating for better care via a common mobile patient app platform to is one of the key strategies in the Hospital Authority (HA) in enhancing patient experience and health outcome. To empower patients in improving their own health, a common patient app platform (HA Go) is built in 2019 so that patients can easily and safely access HA services with unified user experience. It interfaces with the hospital Clinical Management System and connects patients with healthcare professionals whilst they are at home. HA Go will undergo a trial period and make available to selected patients from July 2019 aiming to identify acceptance of HA Go users, impact to operation and the system/app performance. The app will then be put on public app stores in Q4, 2019 and invite HA patients for its Phase 1 implementation. Services which are essential for patients to manage their own health and health service affairs, such as appointment booking and enquiry, medication, rehabilitation, and payment settlement, will be included in the initial phase. It is anticipated that more mini-apps will be developed to assist patients to stay active in the community while healthcare professionals to devote their resources to take care of patients who are in need. HA Go marks an important step for HA to modernize her healthcare service via technology innovation.
Presenters Vicky Fung
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