Preventive Team Enhancement on Pressure injury Prevention in Cancer Patients

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan SK Connie, Wong MC , Lam PY, Ip CM, Fung LC, Chan YT
Affiliation :
Department of Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital, New Territories West Cluster, Hospital Authority.
Introduction :
Pressure injury is a common clinical problem and also a manpower demanding. It can impact on psychological distress, unnecessary hospital stay and financial burden. Pressure injuries are mostly avoidable if appropriate preventive measures to be offered to high risk patients. An increasing incidence at acute oncology ward had prompted the team to do a root cause analysis.
Objectives :
1. Reduce pressure injury incidence rate in cancer patients 2. Enhance staff engagement in the workplace 3. Arouse staff’s awareness on pressure injury prevention
Methodology :
Retrospective data reviewed: from Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. Survey was performed by : asking staff/ checking documents / focus group. A Total 26 participants were involved: 15 Registered Nurses , 1 Enrolled Nurse, 3 HCAs an 10 PCAs. Also, a small staff-focus group was conducted. After Survey: In-house preventive measures were recommended: 1. Preventive Mattress for all Cord-compression patients and refer Phsiotherapy/ Occupatial therapy for pressure injury prevention assessment. 2. Staff Training: In-house Pressure injury prevention workshops, hospital-wide training and E-learning were arranged to all nursing and supporting staffs. 3. Communication: Dashboard, KPI, promotion in ward meeting and newly invited 2 supporting staffs as key-team member of the preventive team in order to get engagement. 4. Tracking Process: Monitor incidence rate, pressure injury round by APN weekly. A significant drop of incidence from 15 to 3 cases per year was noted.
Result & Outcome :
Prevention is better than Cure. "Pressure Injury Preventive Team" did not stop the incidence of the pressure injury but had an encouraging impact on quality care to our cancer patients and enhanced clinical safety. “Pressure Injury Preventive Team” has newly invited supporting staff as key-member to reinforce the communication and the importance of frontline staffs engagement. Continue quality monitoring to further evaluate outcome and the recommendation for providing preventive devices/ measures for high risk patient as an ongoing initiatives.

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