Can the laughter therapy enhance better rehabilitation outcomes after breast surgery? A research protocol

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan CSA(1), Siu MY(2), Yip KH(3), Ng YKS(1), Chan WC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Surgery, North District Hospital, (2)School of Nursing, Tung Wah College, (3)School of Health Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education
Introduction :
Received diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer can cause substantial physical and psychological distress to women, which affected their quality of life.
Objectives :
To evaluate the clinical utility of laughter yoga on lymphedema, anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in breast cancer patients in Hong Kong.
Methodology :
Design This is a single-blinded randomized control study conducted at an out-patient breast clinic of a regional hospital in Hong Kong. Participants Breast cancer patients attending for the out-patient breast clinic (research site) will be recruited and randomly allocated to either Laughter Yoga (LY) group or control waitlist group. Methods The LY group will attend for an one-hour Laughter yoga course, once weekly for four weeks, coaching by a qualified Laughter yoga instructor. The control waitlist group will be arranged for a stretching exercise session per week within the study period. Outcome measures include estimations on lymphedema, assessments on anxiety, depression and HRQOL among participants. Data will be collected at baseline (pre-intervention, T0), one month (post-intervention, T1) and 3 months ( follow-up, T2). Descriptive statistics, Chi square, Fisher exact, independent-t test and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) model will be performed for data analysis.
Result & Outcome :
The pilot research will be conducted after the ethical approval and grant for the study are approved.

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