Enhancement of Prevention of Pressure Injury

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak KI, Lam PYW, Wong MC
Affiliation :
Department of Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Reform of definition of pressure injury and wound staging system created the new concept in prevention of pressure injury. Nurses need to know well upon the differences between pressures sore vs pressure injury. Besides, nurses need to be familiar with the new wound staging system so as to attain thorough view of patient’s wound condition. Thus, an educational talk with foci on the new concept of pressure injury and new staging system with refreshment on the proper use of pressure relieving apparatus were conducted to enhance the prevention of pressure injury.
Objectives :
Nurses attended the talk and were made known to the new definition and concept of pressure injury and the new wound staging system. Nurses were familiar with the use of tools in preforming the pressure injury risk assessment. Nurses were familiar with the strategies and use of various pressure relieving apparatus available in the clinical area.
Methodology :
An educational talk was conducted on the captioned topic. Presentation was prepared which covered the arena of new definition and concept of pressure injury, new wound staging system, workflow of initial and subsequent risk assessment and strategies with apparatus used in prevention of pressure injury. Questionnaire was set up to testify participants’ satisfaction upon the talk delivered.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 24 staffs attended the talk. Participants highly valued the topic of the talk is valuable in the daily clinical practice with mean score of 8.16/ 10. The content and information delivered were criticized as applicable in the daily clinical practice with mean score of 8.17/10. Participants get knowledge upon the new definition of Pressure Injury and new wound staging with mean score of 8.5 / 10. Participants were made known to the strategies adopted in the Principle in Prevention and management of Pressure Injury with mean score of 8.25/10.. After the talk, participants get thorough understanding on the availability and use of existing pressure relieving apparatus and the workflow of risk assessment with mean score of 8.1 / 10. Inclusively, the talk was successful in arousing participants’ alertness and enhancing their knowledge upon the new concept of Pressure Injury, the new wound staging system facilitated accurate and comprehensive assessment. Refreshment also strengthened the prevention of pressure injury with correct use of pressure relieving strategies and apparatus.

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