Enhancement of Resuscitation Capability for Kowloon Central Cluster Family Medicine & General Outpatient Clinics

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan SLD, Lam TMC, Poon TKJ, Chen XRC, Li YC
Affiliation :
Introduction :
KCC FM & GOPC has merged with Wong Tai Sin (WTS) area GOPC since 11/2016 with HAHO re-clustering exercise. Alignment in operation amongst all 10 KCC community based clinics is crucial for quality patient care. Resuscitation protocol, equipment and training alignment are key areas in ensuring quality provision of emergency care for patients under directives of our department resuscitation subcommittee
Objectives :
Alignment of resuscitation protocol, equipment and training and enhancing all 10 community based clinic from previous basic life support (BLS) standard towards advanced life support standard (ALS)
Methodology :
Initial stock-take of all 10 GOPCs since 3.2018 regarding their resuscitation protocol, equipment and staff training status. Exercise for alignment with reference to previous endorsed KCC FM & GOPCs Resuscitation protocol by QEH Resuscitation Committee with incorporation of good practises from WTS area clinics. Stepwise approach of enhancement of resuscitation protocol for further endorsement by QEH resuscitation SC followed by alignment of equipment across all 10 GOPCs together with aligned resuscitation training towards ALS standard with further endorsement by QEH Resuscitation SC. With the aligned protocol,equipment and further endorsed enhanced ALS training package, systematic training will be offered for all 106 department doctors for upgrading their resuscitation capability in outpatient setting with plan completion by 4Q 2019
Result & Outcome :
Enhanced resuscitation protocol has been endorsed by QEH resuscitation Committee 9/18. Resuscitation equipments has been aligned in all 10 GOPCs by 12/18.The newly upgraded resuscitation course run by department HKCFP CPR SC chairman and instructors towards ALS standard with lecture,demonstration and hands on practice together with assessment of CPR+AED, Airway Mx and Intubation, ECG rhythm interpretation and defibrillation has also been endorsed by QEH Resus SC in 10/18 as ALS equivalent. Aligned ALS Resuscitation training with the enhanced equipment has embarked since 12/18 with initial engagement of 16 GOPC leaders and planned for full training of all remaining 90 medical staff in department by 4Q 2019.

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