Pilot Program of Animal-assisted Intervention in Psychogeriatric Ward for Reduction of Agitation Behavior in Dementia Elderly

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung HY (1)(3), Kong SO (1)(3), Fok HN (1)(3), Lui SF (1)(3), Cheng V (2)(3)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Psychiatry (2) Community and Patient Resource Department(3)Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Dementia elderly often are suffering from Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) and most of them present with verbal and physical aggression (Cipriani et al, 2011). The most common way to manage the symptoms is prescribing medication, such as antipsychotic (Enmarker et al, 2011). Non-pharmacological treatment was considered as an alternative treatment for Dementia with BPSD.Animal-assisted intervention (AAI)showed effective in improving cognitive, mood, socialization and behaviour etc (Cherniack & Cherniack, 2014). A pilot study was conducted to review the effectiveness of AAI in the psychogeriatric patient suffering from dementia.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effect of the AAIon the agitation behaviour in dementia elderly of Psychogeriatric wards.
Methodology :
The pilot study was conducted in Psychogeriatric Ward of PYNEH. In-patient with a diagnosis of dementia and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Hong Kong version (HK-MoCA) result available was included in the study. The Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) was used to assess the effect of an AAI in participant's agitation behaviour. A single 1-hour session was provided to the participants. The intervention session was conducted by the volunteer of Doctor Pet. Those volunteers and pet were assessed to be suitable for a hospital visit by the organization. The CMAI was conducted at baseline (T0), immediately following the intervention (T1) and two weeks after the intervention (T2).
Result & Outcome :
Result A total of 5 male and 3 female in-patient were recruited in the study. The result was analyzed band significant level was set at p<0.05. 1.) The mean score of CMAI was decreased at baseline 55.3to 44.1 immediately after the AAI. The result showed significant (p= 0.001933). 2.) The mean score of CMA was able to sustain two weeks after the intervention. And showed significant (p=0.00094). 3.) All participants had a good impression of AAI and would like to join the same activity in the future. Conclusion The AAI was effective to decrease the agitation behaviour in dementia elderly. The current animal-assisted intervention was relying on volunteers and their pet. However, they were not formally trained and assessed. An evidence-based certification program was suggested in further study.

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