Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho KWE(1), Chan SWA(2), Yue SS(3), Tai KK(4)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward 11B, M&G, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Specimen collection is an essential procedure for patients' diagnosis and treatment. Recently, there are different incidents related to specimen handling happened in different hospital settings. A tailor made innovative design named Specimen Detector, was invented and used in United Christian Hospital Ward 11B as to safeguard all possible human errors in such an essential procedure, by visually and audio alerting nurses that there is risk for delayed collection of specimen.
Objectives :
To safeguard delayed collection of specimen for lab analysis, as to avoid any delayed treatment for patients. A delayed specimen would be possible caused by: 1. Whenever the specimen is placed in the specimen collection box, the phlebotomist is failed to notice nurses to make commend in computer system to send specimen; 2. When the phlebotomist has noticed nurses, nurses forgot to have following actions; 3. Transport team porters failed to collect all specimen located in the specimen box The used of Specimen Detector is to alert ward staffs there is specimen inside when it is not collected in a specific time, as to ensure specimens are still "fresh" when sent for analysis.
Methodology :
During the period from Aug, 2017 to now, Specimen Detector is used in Ward 11B as to safeguard the specimen collection procedure. Specimen Detector is a machine with a main body and a collection box. The main body is a digital box with computer program implanted as to count time and operate a lighting system. The collection box is a semi-transparent box with a weight detection platform installed. When a specimen is put into the box, the main body will start to count the time for the present of specimen. At the same time, green light will be on as to visually alert nurses the present of specimen, so nurses has to order in computer system as to notice the transport team porter to collect specimen to laboratory. After the count down of 30 minutes, there is risk for a specimen no longer be fresh. The red light on the main body will be on and an alarm buzzer will be on as to warn nurses the specimen need to send out immediately. As a result, the specimen could be guaranteed arrive in the laboratory on time for analysis.
Result & Outcome :
During the period for the use of Specimen Detector, there is no delayed specimen collection in Ward 11B. Nurses were alert by the machine for the presentation of specimen inside the collection box and specimen was guaranteed "fresh" when it was sent the laboratory.