Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang CY(1), IP YC(1), Tam CL(1), Cheung WYW(2), Leung YF(2), Cheng CW(1), Fung YK(1), Au TK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Physiotherapy Department(IRS), TKOH, (2)Department of Orthropaedics and Traumatology, TKOH
Introduction :
Elderly undergoing total knee replacement(TKR) usually experience difficulties understanding home exercise and transfer techniques, leading to suboptimal post-operative outcomes. Since education materials and exercise videos were separately presented without clear association in traditional pamphlets, compilation of a brand-new physiotherapy education pamphlet with utilization-monitoring QR-codes linking to different tailor-made exercise and practical demonstration videos was proposed.
Objectives :
-To improve exercise compliance and pre-operative physique of elderly undergoing TKR
-To facilitate post-operative functional recovery and early safe discharge
Methodology :
Eighteen audio-visual-supported demonstration videos including therapeutic exercises, transfer techniques and home-care advice were produced by Physiotherapy Department with full support from Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TKOH. Link-management-enabled QR-codes were linked to these videos, by which education material utilization, exercise compliance and effectiveness could be monitored. This pamphlet was distributed to patients in one-day TKR-prehabilitation workshop from 10/2018 onwards. Patients and caregivers were encouraged to review and practice selected exercises and home-care advice anytime, anywhere pre-operatively, during in-patient stay and post-operatively through their handy smartphones.
Pain(NPRS), knee range-of-motion(knee-ROM) and function measured by timed-up-and-go test(TUG) at post-op Day 5-7 and length-of-stay(LOS) were compared between cohorts with(wP) and without(woP) this pamphlet. Satisfaction survey was conducted. Daily one-month total “click” rate of all videos(d1mtCR) was also captured.
Result & Outcome :
In 8-11/2018, 22 out of 42 patients(mean age 70.6±6.0) received the new QR-coded pamphlets. Despite no statistically significant difference between wP and woP, wP experienced less pain and better knee-ROM. wP had significantly better TUG performance(43.1sec vs 63.6sec; p<0.01) and achieved discharge criteria earlier as reflected in shorter LOS(5.7days vs 7.9days; p<0.001) and no unplanned readmission within 2 months. More than 90% of patients satisfied with this pamphlet for the reason of improved user experience in this pamphlet that could enhance their understanding of the importance of physiotherapy training to post-operative TKR recovery and motivate them to perform home exercise through those convenient QR-codes with their handy smartphones. The fact of patient satisfaction has also been supported by the steady d1mtCR of >195 since 11/2018.
This brand-new QR-coded pamphlet was an effective mode of patient education to (1)enhance patients’ and caregivers’ understanding of TKR rehabilitation journey, (2)facilitate early safe discharge, (3)monitor exercise compliance and (4)review exercise effectiveness.