Improvement of Workflow in Designated Clinic at Violet Peel General Outpatient Clinic

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee PKM; Chow WPA; Cheung P H; Cheung YHK; Leung PSC; Wong MSM; Wong MYM
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine & Primary Health Care; Hong Kong East Cluster
Introduction :
Violet Peel GOPC (VPGOPC) is one of the Designated Clinic (DC) in HKEC. The clinic was relocated to Lower Ground (LG/F) floor of Tang Shiu Kin Community Ambulatory Care Centre (TSKCACC) from Southorn Centre since 12 June 2006. Various NGOs, Pharmacy, Chinese Traditional Medicine Clinic, HA Staff Clinic, Dental Clinic, Allied Health clinics and Patient Support Call Centre are also located in the same building. Once DC has to be set up, the existing constraints are: 1. May require suspending normal services All NGOs & Allied Health clinics at TSKH 2. Multiple entrances to the TSKCACC building at different floors with 4 lifts which requires lots of manpower & technical support to divert patients 3. HA Staff Clinic also has fever cases; and difficult to keep minimal contact with healthy patients 4. Refill Clinic need to be set up at SOPD/ RTSKH 5. Non up to date standard ventilation flow
Objectives :
1. To create an unidirectional patient flow to minimize cross infection 2. To improve air change cycle and air flow pattern to meet with current ICN requirement 3. To improve the staff flow during operation of DC 4. To maximize utilization of manpower for DC and Refill Clinic 5. To maintain community services demand 6. To ensure occupational safety and improve staff commitment 7. To handle all fever cases including public & HA staffs
Methodology :
Special feature and patient flow of DC An additional clinic entrance was made at Queen’s Road East which was hidden and could be opened for use if indicated. And suspected case could be transferred out at the same door. Refill Clinic could also be set up at LG/F Methodology 1. Ensure smooth running of DC by DC Drill exercise: 2. Meeting and walk-through exercise with NGOs of TSKCACC 3. Staff engagement evaluation survey
Result & Outcome :
The unidirectional patient flow is clear and easy for patients to follow. The well thought and best laid work design of VPGOPC Designated Clinic is beneficial for staff, patients, and all building users and public. It would be very useful in infection control without jeopardizing GOPC and community services

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