Lean Management Approach: Reallocating Resources in Acute Ward Setting, Allowing The Saved Time for Nurses to Deliver More Tentative Nursing Care

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho KWE(1), Tai KK(2), Chan SW(3)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward 11B, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
The beauty of allocating of resources in ward is an in-depth discussion. As users and front-line nurses, we always pop-up with ideas - "It would be better if the resources be located this way". In United Christian Hospital Ward 11B, the relocating of IVF helped nurses to save time and to make use of saved time for delivering more tentative nursing cares for patients. Lean Management Approach was used to enhance work effectiveness and the result was counted by nurses' footsteps count in smart phones' built-in Apps.
Objectives :
1. To save time for unnecessary footstep because of inconvenient resources allocation 2. Allow nurses to use the saved time for delivering tentative nursing cares
Methodology :
Lean management aimed at cutting off unnecessary procedures to improve the working progress effectiveness. The storage of IVFs were centralized in the IVFs stored in the treatment room, which was with certain distance from certain cubicles. The intravenous fluids were relocated in the medication trolleys located near cubicles. The commonly used intravenous fluids: 0.9% NS, D5, 1/2:1/2 solutions and gelofusin were placed in the medication trolleys, near the ward cubicles. When not in use,the medication trolleys are always locked and the medications were stored under guidelines regulation. The IVFs are regularly replenished by supporting staff to make sure the IVFs storage is adequate in the medication trolley. Nurses' footsteps counting was compared with old and new IVFs allocations. The footsteps counting was recorded by built-in Apps from nurses' smart phones. With reallocation of intravenous fluids, nurses has reported a great reduction in footsteps counting during a working shift, from 12000 > 9000 steps averagely. The great reduction of foots steps saves nurses from working and foot muscle fatigue. The saved time allow nurses to make use of the time to deliver tentative nursing cares and have more time to communicate with his or her patients. The tentative nursing care delivered enhance patents' and relatives inpatient experience and satisfication.
Result & Outcome :
The reallocation of resource in acute ward setting helps nurses to have effective tasks performance. The change reduces nurses' fatigue from work. The saved time enable nurses to deliver tentative nursing cares and improve patients and relatives inpatient experience.

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