Supportive Program “樂也融融” for Clients Undergoing Rehabilitation Program in Day Rehabilitation Centre Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, North District Hospital

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YW(1), Leung HY (2), Ma CM (1), Hui FPB(1), Chan WL(1), Ho NL(1), Tam KT(1), Li YN(1), Tam CH(1), Ku SP(1), Siu ML(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Day Rehab Centre, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, North Disrict Hospital (2)Department of medicine, NDH
Introduction :
Day Rehabilitation Center (DRC) provides rehabilitation day services to medical and orthopaedic patients in North District Hospital. It aims at restoring or optimizing their physical functions through training and education on mobility, activity of Daily Living (ADL) and community living skills. (1) Apart from the formal rehabilitation activities, DRC has organized the supportive program “樂也融融” for patients since 2014 with the helps from volunteers.
Objectives :
The program aims at supporting and cheering up the patients and their carers, enhancing their engagement in rehabilitation, building up rapport between patients and staffs, and enhancing community partnership in the rehabilitation
Methodology :
A 90 minute-programme including handcrafting, dancing, singing songs or playing music instrument would be run every 3-4 months at around the big festivals e.g. Chinese New Year, Christmas… etc. It would be led by DRC nursing staffs and volunteers from different parties of spiritual service in NDH would be invited. Refreshment would be provided after the program. Patient satisfaction survey would be conducted immediately after activity.
Result & Outcome :
From October 2014 till December 2018, twenty two sessions of supportive program were held with total participants 567 including 368 patients and 199 carers. A survey regarding content, timing and achievement of target was designed and 250 sets of survey were received from participants. The result reveals that patient and carer had positive feedback with overall satisfaction 88%.

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