Enhancement in Promulgation and Service Coverage of Staff Influenza Vaccination

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Au HY(1), Lam T(2), Chiu CS(3), Tong CI(1), Chui ST(4), Leung YK(5), Ho PY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Central Nursing Division, Prince of Wales Hospital (2)Department of Family Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital, (3)Infection Control Team, Prince of Wales Hospital, (4)Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital (5)HA Staff Clinic, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
Influenza vaccination is one of the effective measures to prevent people from infection and severe complications due to influenza viruses. Immunization for healthcare staff is especially necessary to protect staff and patients from infection. Thus it is absolutely essential to promulgate and encourage staff to receive influenza vaccines In order to motivate staff in the event, new strategies are introduced in the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) in 2018/19 to engage more staff to participate in promoting and receiving vaccination.
Objectives :
1. To increase staff’s awareness on the importance of influenza vaccination 2. To clarify related misconception 3. To improve the accessibility and availability of staff vaccination
Methodology :
A. Leadership, staff engagement and teamwork 1. PWH staff vaccination ambassadors - 206 PWH staff volunteered to join as staff vaccination ambassadors and help in vaccination promotion activities. 2. PWH vaccination spokespersons - Three influential leaders, including a consultant, Nurse Consultant (Infection Control) and a Department Operations Manager took part as spokespersons in staff vaccination exercise. 3. Promotion media (Video and theme song) - Staff from different disciplines worked together to produce some promotional videos. A specialist offered to compose a theme song whilst an associate consultant offered to design posters. 4. Pledge - CCE, GMs and vaccination ambassadors pledged to commit to staff vaccination exercise in the kick off ceremony. B. Strategies 1. Education - Onsite vaccination talks were delivered to departments to promote vaccination and clarify the myths of vaccines. 2. Accessibility - Central Nursing Division (CND), Staff Clinic and Infection Control Nurses arranged the Vaccination-on-wheel (VOW) services to go through different clinical areas and provided vaccination. Booking services were also available for department based on-site vaccination services. CND also took initiation to check and provide VOW services to different hospital and department events. 3. Availability - Different vaccination booths were set up in areas near to the working areas and staff changing rooms.
Result & Outcome :
1. As at 24 March 2019, a total of 3270 (52.8%) staff has received vaccination in PWH. 2. Comparing 2018/19 with 2017/18, the overall number of staff vaccination has increased for 33.0% as of Week 23. 3. Staff appreciated the arrangement and services provided.

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