Physiotherapy Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Service for Chinese Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Patients in Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH)

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak MPP, Chow YFS, Yim PL, Law GJ, Yuen PMJ, Leung YYC, Physiotherapy Department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is defined as the loss of urine that occurs at a time and/or place that is not convenient or appropriate, engages in physical exertion and sports activities, or even sudden changes in position (Canadian Continence Foundation, 2012; International Continence Society(ICS), 2013; National Association for Continence, 2015). It caused both social and hygienic problems. Female stress incontinence has a prevalence of 8 to 33% and conservative management by Physiotherapy particularly pelvic floor muscle exercise training are the mainstay of conservative management. Pelvic floor rehabilitation program was launched by PMH Physiotherapy Department since year 2000 with the establishment of Specialist Out-Patient Clinic (SOPC) in PMH. 234 new patients with 401 out-patient attendances were provided for year 2017-18.
Objectives :
To study the efficacy of an Out-Patient based pelvic floor rehabilitation program in the treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in PMH
Methodology :
All Chinese patients referred for Incontinence Care or Pelvic Floor exercise will be recruited for the period from December 2018 to February 2019 to the Out-Patient Physiotherapy Pelvic Floor Exercise Program in PMH. Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) evaluation can be performed by instructing the subjects in PFM contraction, including Maximum pelvic Floor Muscle Strength (PFMS) ( Grade 0-no power, 5-strong) and Pelvic Floor Muscle Endurance (PFME) (time in seconds) at initial evaluation and 2nd sessions. Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, Short Form (HQ-7) will be used to assess the impact on quality of life. Numeric Global Rating of Change Scale (NGRCS), Self-reported Satisfaction survey (0-4 point scale, 0-no comment, 4-very satisfied) and the baseline demographic data will also recorded.
Result & Outcome :
37 SUI patients completed the program. 48.6% of the subjects reported satisfied with the program and 45.9% of the subject found very satisfied with the program. There is also improvement reducing impact to patient shown in Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, Short Form (HQ-7) from score 4.91 to 2.35. On objective examination, the mean PFMS improved from grade 2.08 to grade 3.13 with the mean PFME improved from 2.5 seconds to 3.2 seconds. Pelvic floor rehabilitation is an effective, non-invasive management for patients with stress urinary incontinence. Both patients’ satisfaction and objective outcome were achieved with the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation. The SUI patients may be further benefit with introduction of new modality, The Extracorporeal magnetic Innervation (NEOCONTROL) to incorporate in the Pelvic floor Rehabilitation program in Physiotherapy Department.

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