Implementation of electronic documentation of patients progress in Palliative Home Care Unit

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chuk CY (1), Wong MS (2), Chan TML (1), Ho YS (1), Lee YL (2), Wong PHY (3)
Affiliation :
(1)Palliative Care, Bradbury Hospice, (2) Palliative Care, Shatin Hospital, (3) Palliative Care, North District Hospital
Introduction :
BBH home care unit is providing cluster palliative home care service for the patients with progressive disease with multidisciplinary approach. A pilot of electronic documentation in home care visit had been performed in 2017 and demonstrated applicable and effective team communication. Therefore this practice rolled out to the whole home care team.
Objectives :
1. Enhance communication with specialties and professionals 2. Promote effectiveness in supervision. 3. Reduction in storage space, filing time and paper used
Methodology :
1. Design a standardized template for clinical note entry in Clinical Management System. 2. Pilot electronic documentation for non-cancer patients then promote to all patients 3. BBH (South office), started to use from 1/5/18. 4. Reviewed after 2 months in end of June 2018 5. Commenced in NDH 3D (North office) from 2/7/2018 6. Reorganized failing system of hard copies 7. Shared result when completed audit and survey
Result & Outcome :
Electronic documentation can be retrieved and viewed at clinical platform, thus, enhanced information sharing and facilitated communication between specialties and professionals. In additions, there was a reduction in storage space, filing time and paper used. Audit compliance rate of standard documentation and satisfaction survey 1. Audit accuracy and standard with audit check list in Sept 18 Method: - Select cases with HV at least 2 times. - 3 cases selected from each home care nurse - Audit home visit and subsequent visit - Audit form attached 2. Conduct Satisfaction Survey among PC colleagues in BBH, PWH and SH in Sept 2018.

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