Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung Ka Wai Dobi (1), Yeung Ting Ying(1), Kwok Fei Ling (1), Chiu Wai Hing Caroline (1)
Affiliation :
(1)NTEC Department of Family Medicine
Introduction :
Correct patinet identification is one of the top three clinical risk registries in FMGOPC. Patient misidentification may lead to medication error, wrong matching of blood/specimken collection, wrong medical treatment and wrong referral, etc. According to NTEC FM department statistic from 2016 to 2018, there were about 19 incidents reported to AIRS which were related to patient misidentification. In the investigations, the main reasons of patient misidentifications included (1) improper checking procedures, (2) multi-task at workstation, (3) distraction (4) improper input in OPAS/CMS function, (5) look alike, sound alike incidents. To improve patients' safety, CQI program on correct patient identification was initiated to prevent misidentification leading to incidents that jeopardize patients' safety.
Objectives :
(1) To ensure patients are safe in receiving GOPC services (2) To enhance staff awareness on CID checking procedures (3) To standardize CID checking steps Goals (1) To prevent CID incident occurrence (2) To minimize the CID incident rate
Methodology :
(1) Produce a video on CID for staff training (2) Developed an observation form for "CID Surprise Check" (3) Placed CID slogan at each workstation (4) Conducted "CID Surprise Check" for doctors, nurses, PCAs and clerical staff in FM NTEC starting from 2nd Jan 2019 to 31st Jan 2019
Result & Outcome :
Result will be analyzed in February 2019 focus on (1) the participation rate in the surprise check, (2) the compliance rate on each CID checking steps, (3) the good practices and mulpractices identified