High Risk Nursing Procedure Refresh Training – Enhancement Program on Caring Patients with Tracheostomy in Hospital

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee KW(1), Lee SW(1), Yan TM(1), Leung LM(1), Fung WM(2), Yau SY(2), Yiu KC(2), Chan YY(3), Poon CL(3), Ng YB(3), Tang SK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Nursing Services Division, United Christian Hospital, (2)Ear, Nose & Throat Department, United Christian Hospital, (3)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
With the aging population and lengthening the life expectancy in Hong Kong, the increase in complexity of in-patient care remains as one of the major challenges to the health care system.
Tracheostomy is an artificial stoma for airway maintenance and it can be classified as temporary and permanent tracheostomy. Yet, specific nursing care should be provided to different kind of tracheostomy or else there may induce be harmful to patients. . To strengthen the nursing care towards these patients, a refresh training program on caring patients with tracheostomy was organized in United Christian Hospital in 2018.
Objectives :
Participants can strengthen their knowledge and skills to:
1.Identify the indications of tracheostomy and different types of tracheostomy tube.
2.Implement quality nursing care and emergency management for patients with temporary tracheostomy and permanent tracheostomy.
3.Perform tracheostomy suctioning and dressing according to nursing standards.
Methodology :
A workgroup consisted of managers and experienced nurse representatives from Ear, Nose & Throat Department and Department of Medicine and Geriatrics was formed. Focused areas of the topic were identified and the mode of knowledge and skill transfer was decided among members.
Two identical sessions of 2-hour workshop were held on 4th and 20th December 2018 and nurses from adult in-patient units were encouraged to join the workshop. The content was as follows:
1.Theory of temporary and permanent tracheostomy nursing care and emergency management. 2.Skill demonstration of tube suctioning, dressing and secure methods of the tracheostomy tubes.
3.Equipment display of different types of tracheostomy tubes and accessories.
Result & Outcome :
130 nurses attended the two identical training sessions. According to the 6-point Likert Scale questionnaire collected, participants weighed 5.22 (SD=0.51) , indicated that the program achieved its intended learning outcomes. Among the evaluation, the item “the program was practical/ useful” was weighed highest at 5.26 (SD=0.58). They expected that the refresh training on different topics would be organized regularly in the future.
It is found that the high risk nursing procedures refresh training could grab colleagues’ attention to the updated nursing practices on the relevant topic. Therefore, further refresh trainings would be organized to further foster the culture of quality and safety among nursing colleagues and most importantly benefit to our patients.

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