Enrich the Nursing Orientation Program from Staff’s Perspective

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng J(1), Lee PM(1), Kwong T(2), Chung YL(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Princess Margaret Hospital(2)Department of Paediatrics and Aldolescent Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
A good and effective nursing orientation program can promote nurses’ confidence and competency as well as their satisfaction and retention. These will translate into staff commitment, less staff turnover and improved quality of care. Currently, there is no involvement of both preceptors or preceptees in designing the orientation program, nor there is regular revision and evaluation of the orientation program. The current program aim is to tailor made nursing orientation program from staff’s perspective and respond to their real needs.
Objectives :
With the input from preceptors and preceptees, the existing nursing orientation program was revised. It should help the new comers in adaptation to clinical settings, to build up their self-confidence and competence as well as sense of belonging to the department. The end result is staff retention, decrease staff turnover and better quality of care.
Methodology :
Questionnaires using 4 points Likert’s scale were designed to gather the opinion and suggestion from preceptors and preceptees on the existing nursing orientation program of gynecological ward.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 16 questionnaires were sent to 8 preceptors and 8 preceptees. 12 questionnaires were completed and returned (6 preceptors and 6 preceptees). The return rate was 75%. Majority (83.3%) of the preceptees are new graduates. All preceptees and 83.3% of the preceptor agreed that they are satisfied with the existing orientation program. For clinical teaching material, 66.7% of preceptees and 33.3% preceptors disagreed that it is adequate. There was perceived needs to strengthen the teaching material on ward procedures, basic gynecology knowledge and nursing care as well as AIRS reporting. A Pocket Guide eBook on Common Gynecological Diseases and Special Care was developed which covers both clinical care management and nursing care management of common gynecological diseases. Ward procedures and AIRS reporting information were also added in the existing orientation material. A resource file was also developed for training the middle level RN to ward in charge in Pediatric department. Preliminary evaluation of the Pocket Guide eBook from the preceptors and preceptees was very positive, 100% of the preceptors and preceptees who had completed the evaluation agrees that the Pocket Guide eBook is a useful teaching material and useful guidance in daily work.

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