Scenario-based Training in North Lantau Hospital

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
MAN HY(1), David SUN(2), CHENG SK(3), CHAN WK(3), SO YM(3), LEUNG SO(4), LEE CO(5), HO KL(5), LEUNG YK(6), WONG KY(6), SO TW(7), YU ON(7), CHAN SW(8), YIP KP(3), CHOW PS(9), KONG SK(10)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, North Lantau Hospital, (2)Hospital Management, North District Hospital, (3) Accident & Emergency Department, North Lantau Hospital, (4) Specialist Out Patient Clinic, North Lantau Hospital, (5) Community Health Center, North Lantau Hospital, (6) Physiotherapy Department, North Lantau Hospital, (7) Occupational Therapy Department, North Lantau Hospital, (8) Administrative Services, North Lantau Hospital, (9) Department of Medicine & Geriatric, North Lantau Hospital, (10) Speicalist Out Patient Clinic, Princess Margaret Hospital.
Introduction :
To equip and enhance the staff with the necessary knowledge and skill in managing daily situation and clinical emergencies, the idea of developing Scenario-based Training Program is first generated in early 2017 and the training program was then rolled out in November 2017. All the joint effort is to develop a highly effective team to meet different clinical emergencies and improve patient safety.
Objectives :
1. To develop scenario-based training for clinical staff to enhance team communication and mitigate risks of human errors in clinical setting.
2. To improve patient safety by teaching healthcare providers how better collaborate with each other by interpersonal communication, leadership and decision making.
3. To enhance multi-disciplinary collaboration and service improvement in NLTH.
Methodology :
Two scenarios namely “Workplace Violence” and “Patient Found Collapse in Hospital Vicinity” are identified and developed for the training program. The scripts of two scenarios are first drafted and revised after trial run. A total of 15 team members are trained as trainers for the scenario-based training program which was rolled out in November 2017.
Result & Outcome :
As at 31 July 2018, total 4 classes of Scenario-based Training are organized for 18 staff since program rolled out in November 2017. 39% of participants strongly agreed that the program can apply to their practice, scenarios are realistic and simulation is more powerful than lecture based training. 33% of participants also strongly agreed that they overall satisfied with the training program. All the participants shown that they will recommend this program to other colleagues. Non-tangible benefits including increased staff confidence and competency in handling similar situation in clinical practice, enhance communication and collaboration amongst clinical departments. Scenario-based Training is continued and conducted at regular interval for hospital staff at the time being. It is planned to develop more scenarios to enhance staff competency in clinical emergencies.

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