Paediatrics Patient Assessment Form (PAF(Paed)): From Paper-based to Electronic at Corporate Level in Hospital Authority

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Pow MKY(1), Fung VH(1), Hung VYS(1), Lau EHY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, Hospital Authority Head Office
Introduction :
Patient Assessment Form (PAF) serves as a record to document initial assessment done by nurses upon patient’s admission. It was hard to share the assessment data on paper form plus there was discrepancy in assessment form content among HA hospitals. To support interoperability, a paediatric-electronic patient assessment form was developed to fulfil the assessment needs and support the clinical operation for paediatric units.
Objectives :
To develop an electronic platform for nurses to capture paediatric assessment data according to the dataset defined by Specialty Advisory Group (SAG) of Paediatric Nursing. To facilitate the data reuse by sharing among various clinical information systems (e.g. Electronic Patient Record (ePR) and Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System (CDARS).
Methodology :
Under the governance of SAG, PAF Work Group (PAF WG) and Nursing informatics Subordinate Committee, the screen layout of PAF(Paed) was designed and endorsed after the engagement with all concerned stakeholders. To facilitate the data capture along the assessment process, the standardized assessment data were arranged in a logical order and the international assessment tools were also incorporated in the form. Furthermore, the PAF(Paed) printout would be posted on ePR for sharing while PAF(Paed) data would be passed to CDARS for supporting data analysis in addressing operation and management needs.
Result & Outcome :
PAF(Paed) was developed and piloted in 3 hospitals (AHN, QEH and UCH) among the 13 hospitals with paediatric units in August 2017. Soon after the pilot, PAF(Paed) was evaluated and further enhanced before further rolled out in the remaining 10 hospitals by phase. The form was fully implemented in all paediatric wards in August 2018. From August 2017 to December 2018, more than 67,000 PAF(Paed) forms were created with positive feedback. The assessment data would be shared to all hospitals via ePR to support clinical care. In addition, the captured patient data are also shared to CDARS for analytic reporting on the Paediatric related health conditions (e.g. seasonal outbreak on infectious disease). Electronic PAF(Paed) was a part of milestone in the growing of nursing informatics in HA which was able to improve the integrity of patient record and to provide the patient-centered care in a specialty-specific approach.

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