Authors (including presenting author) :
Aboo GH, Wong CPC, Lau CW
Affiliation :
Quality & Safety Office, Hong Kong East Cluster
Introduction :
Journal clubs have existed in the medical field for over a hundred years for mutual education and knowledge update. However, it is not commonplace in the quality and safety (Q&S) arena, where doctors, nurses, hospital administrators and others work together. As the scope of Q&S is wide, different staff from must have good mutual understanding to achieve smooth cooperation, the HKEC Q&S Office therefore explored the idea of establishing the a Q&S Journal Club.
Objectives :
Aims to gain update on current development, explore relevant practice to drive new changes, and develop a platform where clinical and administrative staff could interact academically and socially.
Methodology :
We held our first monthly journal club on 18th July 2018. All staff was welcome to join. The duration was one hour, in which each of the three presenters (one doctor, one nurse and one hospital administrator) would present for 15 minutes, and the remaining time is for discussion. Topics for presentation were chosen by the presenters, and they have to be related to the work of Q&S. Feedback was collected from previous speakers and attendees.
Result & Outcome :
We have successfully introduced Journal Clubs to the Q&S Office, and fulfilled our aims of knowledge update and staff interaction. For further development, we are exploring a theme-based approach, and further widening our promotion for participation for the whole cluster. It is hoped that with this platform, we could also enhance staff cohesiveness, and be able to implement the most relevant and up-to-date initiatives in improving Q&S. Six monthly journal clubs have been held from July to Dec 2018. Altogether, 136 participants have joined, from the initial 12 participants to 38 in the latest session. The topics presented could be broadly categorized as follows: Administrative issues (risk management, organizational apology, advance directives, handling of abortus, update on quality initiative, crowdsourcing), Humanities (ethics or moral philosophy), Linguistics (common English mistakes, method of Chinese couplet (對聯) and slogan writing), Clinical issues (fall prevention, automated External Defibrillation (AED), and Other Sharing (visit to the new HK Children’s Hospital). From their feedback, participants agreed that the journal club helped build their capacity to responds to the needs at workplace, and it significantly increased their breadth and width of the knowledge related to Q&S. They would like to have more time for questions and discussion, and invite more colleagues to join by further promulgation.