Enhancement of Midwifery Training in Princess Margaret Hospital through "SUCCESS" Program

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Sin WH(1), Chin WK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
In April 2017, a program named “SUCCESS : Smile, Understanding, Caring, Companion, Enjoy, Sharing and Support” is implemented for enhancing the midwifery training aiming to serve as a platform for informal transmission of knowledge, skills, experiences as well as psychological support to the student midwives (students). Through learning and sharing with the coach “RAINBOW”, not only personal growth but also professional development of students will be further enhanced.
Objectives :
1. Provide a platform for sharing of learning and life experiences among students and “RAINBOW” 2. Provide psychological support to the students throughout the training period 3. Support self and professional development of students 4. Develop the graduates to become a “RAINBOW”
Methodology :
After completion of 18-months of training, an evaluation was conducted by face-to-face interview. Both the students and “RAINBOW” were interviewed individually with pre-set questions. They attended the interviews on voluntary basis and the collected information will be used for evaluation and report writing only.
Result & Outcome :
The feedbacks from the students and “RAINBOW” were positive towards the program. The students expressed that they have developed close relationship with their “RAINBOW” through the program. The “RAINBOW” has not only to give “down-to-the-earth” support but also to fill the gap between the students and their clinical mentors. They also had social gathering with the “RAINBOW” periodically such as BBQ and cake making etc. The “RAINBOW” shared her learning experience with them thus their fear was lessened. For the “RAINBOW”, she had developed good rapport with the students and she perceived herself as an active listener and good friend of the students. Frequently, she contacted the students through social networking such as WhatsApp. She believed the students adapted well under this program and she had played an important role in facilitating the learning of student throughout the 18-months training. In the interviews, the students and the “RAINBOW” have given constructive suggestions for further improvement, such as more “RAINBOW” for a class with many students. The ideal ratio is 1:4 so they could care for the students much better. The students and the “RAINBOW” are in unison that staff who is optimistic, eager to share with good communication skill is suitable as “RAINBOW”. As result, the three students who have undergone the program dedicate themselves as the “RAINBOW” for the new class of students. This explicates that the “SUCCESS” program is effective in facilitating the adaptation and learning of students and the development of new graduates. Thus, this program is worth to be promoted in midwifery training.

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