Colonic Health Empowerment Program for hospitalized patients to reduce colorectal cancer risks: A mixed methods study

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Keung W Y (1), Wu T H (1), Cheung K C (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgical, Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
Empowering patients and understanding their perspectives are crucial for healthy lifestyle behavioral changes. Compared with conventional face-to- face interventions, mobile phone text messaged-based intervention have been suggested as a cost effective and innovative alternative for healthy lifestyle promotion. In view of a high mobile phone penetration rate in Hong Kong, the development of Text Message-based Empowerment Program should be able to optimize the strategy of colorectal cancer prevention by creating a supportive environment for participants after colonoscopy screening.
Objectives :
The aim of this study was to develop and test a mobile phone text message-based program in empowering and enhancing healthy lifestyle behavioral changes for patients after screening colonoscopy.
Methodology :
This was a three-month exploratory sequential mixed-methods study. The study was underpinned by the Health Promotion Model. In Phase One, the qualitative data of the participants’ perceived benefit-barriers to lifestyle behavioural changes was collected, analysed and used as messages for bank of mobile phone texts. In Phase Two, the participants were divided into Intervention and Control groups randomly. The participants in intervention group will receive 4 mobile phone text messages per week for 12 weeks. The primary outcomes included self-reported adherence to healthy dietary habit and physical-activity level. The secondary outcome was health-related quality of life.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 129 (Intervention n=65; control n=64) participants were recruited. The statistical results illustrated that there was no improvement in health related quality of life [PCS (P=0.301) MCS (P=0.12)] and overall healthy lifestyle pattern (P=0.649) between baseline and three months follow up for participants in control group. In contrast, the participants of intervention group (Received mobile phone text messaging) showed improvement in health related quality of life [MCS scores (P< 0.001)], better overall healthy lifestyle pattern (P< 0.001), more physical activity (P=0.005), adopt better nutrition (P=0.005) and better stress management (P=0.004). However, there was no difference in spiritual growth (P=0.20) and health responsibility (P=0.40). Conclusion: Mobile phone text message-based patient empowerment program was feasible and showed beneficial effect in empowering and enhancing healthy lifestyle behavioral changes for patients after screening colonoscopy.

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