Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department of Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Fall is the top priority in risk registry of Occupational therapy Department, reducing incidence of fall in OT has been a focus in enhancing clinical safety and quality services. Continuous improvement measures have been sought to review and update on the fall reduction strategies in order to provide a safety environment for patients during treatment.
Objectives :
1.To develop and enhance fall prevention workflow and measures
2.To provide a safe environment for patients to reduce fall incidence
Methodology :
A series of fall prevention strategies has been developed including:
- Establishment of Fall Working Group for continuous evaluation and improvement in fall prevention strategies
- Regular review on guideline and workflow of fall prevention procedures
- Introduction of the Morse fall scale as a screening tool - Incorporation of fall alert in The Patient Management System (PMS) during department-based training to improve the compliance in fall prevention measures
- Designing innovative fall reduction measures i.e. H-shape back-approach seat belt and a special designed anti-tipping device to wheelchair
- Monthly fall audit to evaluate the compliance of staff to fall alert and fall prevention strategies
- Annual Post Fall Management Drill to ensure prompt and accurate management towards fall incidence
- Staff compliance to fall reduction strategies were compared - KPI on fall incidence were also compared
Result & Outcome :
Compliance to the fall prevention measures and fall incidences in OT department were reviewed 1.After screening by the Morse fall scale, 78 % of the cases were identified with fall risk 2.The overall compliance rate in 2017 and 2018 were 98.3% and 98.7% respectively. In 2018, therapists showed 96% compliance in initiating fall alert through PMS according to fall prevention guideline. Supporting staff showed 99.4% compliance in implementing fall prevention measures to patients in workshops. 3.For KPI on fall incidence, the number of fall incidence reduced by 56% after implementation of fall prevention strategies.
4.100% of staff in Occupational therapy department had attended the annual fall drill.