Triage interventional service for hearing impaired elders in out-patient clinic

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee YCA(1)(3),Yeung SM(1)(4),Kwok MWD(2)(3),Tsui KC(1)(5),Lam SC(2)(3),Ng YS(1)(3),Lee SM(1)(4)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of ENT,(2) Department of Surgery,(3)Tung Wah Hospital,(4)Queen Mary Hospital,(5)United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Aging population is a global problem. One of the aging problem is hearing loss that affects their quality of life associated with communication, independence, and emotion (He,et al.,2018).In HKWC ENT, the waiting for required hearing aid prescription were waiting over 54 weeks. In order to improve our service, we need a better triage system for hearing aid prescription
Objectives :
Shorten the waiting time of hearing-impaired elders to receive ENT health service. By using a better triage system, shorten the waiting time of hearing aid prescription in HKWC to less than 40 weeks
Methodology :

We empowered our ENT Clinic nurses to screen the referral This was done by providing and organized training from ENT surgeons. We developed a standardized screening form for the nurses to record the symptoms and otological findings. A nurse triage appointment was arranged for every new referral. After screening by trained nurses, Pure Tone Audiogram was performed for suitable patients. Ear hygiene and hearing aid care education were given during the triage session. The triaged cases were reviewed by ENT surgeons and get a hearing aid prescription appointment within 3 days. If needed, an advance ENT clinic appointment would be arranged before the hearing aid prescription.
Result & Outcome :
From June to July 2018, 10 patients served. 40%(4 patients) clients' waiting time for hearing aid prescription was shortened for 44 weeks. 20%(2 patients) clients were shortened the waiting time for 10 weeks. 10%(1 patient) client was not shortened the waiting time. The other 30%(3patients)clients were not required.
10 patients were recruited between June and July 2018. The average waiting time shorten 24.7 weeks. The maximum waiting time shortened was 52 weeks. 30% of patients did not require hearing aid prescription after triage. Conclusion:
It is encouraging that ENT hearing aid interventional triage service could provide high quality service with shorter waiting time

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