Critically Transport Simulation Training Program for New Graduate Nurses

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
(1) Yan YPK,(1) So NY, (1) Lai YW
Affiliation :
(1)Central Nursing Division, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Critically transportation (CT) is potentially hazardous that requires well organized, efficient and deployment of appropriately trained staff. Nevertheless, rare training is tailor-made for new graduate nurses to develop their clinical competency for safe patient transportation. Thus, Central Nursing Division (CND) initiated CT simulation training program, which emphasized effective teamwork, risk alertness and incorporated hands-on practice and simulation training.
Objectives :
(1) To enhance knowledge, skill, attitude and risk management on CT; (2) Demonstrate effective, efficient, reliable and safety CT; (3) Implement effective communication skill and multidisciplinary teamwork during CT.
Methodology :
Four identical sessions were arranged for new graduate nurses of Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) and Wong Tai Sin Hospital (WTSH) on 29 and 30 November 2018. Pre-workshop studying material included HA and local protocols on Critically Transportation, with supplementary on-line learning, e.g. communication skill- Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR). Pre- and Post-test were conducted to measure participant’s performance. Brief lecture included safely use medical equipment, preparation, introduction of local checklist, risk management and teamwork communication during CT. High-fidelity simulation followed with immediate debriefing. 7 questions with Likert Scale (0-6) were used to evaluate participants’ satisfactory and program effectiveness.
Result & Outcome :
58 KWH and WTSH new graduate nurses completed the program. SPSS was applied to analyse Pre- and Post- test result, (Mean: Pre-test: 8.72/ Post-test: 9.10, Difference: 0.379, p = 0.013). Pre-test result supported Pre-working studying was effective to facilitate participant’s active learning attitude, preparation and enrich their knowledge acquisition. Post-test result reflected hands-on practise and debriefing could further enhance participant’s reflective learning, critical thinking, clinical competency and confidence on CT. Overall satisfactory to the program was high (5.41 out of 6). Participants appreciated the program achieved the objectives. They strongly agreed this program could actually support their daily work. CT simulation training program emphasized effective teamwork and risk alertness. Pre-workshop studying, in addition to realistic simulation training and hands-on practice would strengthen participants’ clinical competency, risk alertness and internalize safety habit. Most importantly, these are crucial to enhance patient safety and improve healthcare quality. In future, 1-year cohort study would be proposed to follow participant’ clinical performance and overall organization performance, so as to review effectiveness of the program.

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