Effectiveness of Recovery-oriented Practice in Psychiatric Occupational Therapy Service: A Pilot Study

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Poon WK(1), Chang SPV(1), Yue SY(1), Leung YY(1), Lee KY(1), Lau CM(1), Yeung HW(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Recovery-oriented Practice aims at facilitating people to build and maintain a self-defined meaningful life and empowering them on self-management of mental health and well-being. Recovery-oriented Practice emphasizes hope, social inclusion, community participation, personal goal setting and self-management. By adopting this practice in occupational therapy service framework and programs for adult psychiatric patients, therapists collaborate with them to set personal goals, promote personal choice and facilitate access of necessary information on community resources in order to empower them to take charge of their own recovery and well-being throughout the rehabilitation pathway. As staff engagement is also important in promoting recovery oriented culture, induction program and in-service training are provided to equip and empower staff in adopting recovery-oriented practice in occupational therapy service.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of recovery-oriented practice in occupational therapy on improving hope level, illness management and mental well-being of the service users
Methodology :
A pilot study of single group pre-test post-test design and convenient sampling was conducted at the adult in-patient unit and Psychiatric Day hospital of Shatin Hospital Occupational Therapy Department respectively. 121 in-patient participants and 41 day hospital participants with age ranging from 18 to 67, diagnosed with mental illness were recruited from September 2017 to December 2018. They were assigned to recovery orientation program and a series of programme-based training according to individual training needs. Introduction on recovery concepts, individualized goal setting, action planning and a series of programme-based training in terms of self-management, life skills, work and cognitive functions were provided. Chinese Short Warwick- Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (C-SWEMWBS), Hope Scale, and Illness Management and Recovery Scale (IMRS) were used to assess well-being, level of hope and progress towards recovery and illness management before and after the group.
Result & Outcome :
121 in-patient participants were recruited. The mean scores of C-SWEMWBS, Hope Scale and IMRS increased by 3.8%, 3.6% and 4.3% respectively. 41 day hospital participants were recruited. The mean scores of C-SWEMWBS, Hope Scale and IMRS increased by 5%, 5% and 14% respectively. Prominent improvement was shown in specific areas including: 1. Relapse prevention planning 2. Overall knowledge in illness management 3. Coping 4. Progress towards personal goals. Conclusion: By incorporating recovery-oriented practice into traditional occupational therapy service framework and programs, improvement trend could be detected in terms of hope level in recovery, well-being, illness management skills and knowledge. Continuous data collection with larger sample size and control group could be conducted to further explore the effectiveness of the program.

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