Pilot Study on Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program for Elderly with High Fall Risk

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
CHAN KH(1), IP WM(1), LAU M(1), YUE SY(1), CHAN SY(1), NG TH(1), Lam KF(1), WONG WS(1), YAU CY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Occupational Therapy, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Falls are common geriatric condition caused by multiple risk factors. In order to prevent and manage falls in elderly effectively, identification of risk factors and implementation of comprehensive interventions are important. In Shatin Hospital(SH), Occupational therapists screened out the high risk fallers through Morse Fall Scale and applied Person-Environment-Occupation assessment to identify elderly’s individual fall risk factors. A Comprehensive Fall Prevention program, including reconditioning program, interactive fall prevention package, environmental modification and fall prevention aids prescription were provided according to individual fall risk factors.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of fall prevention program in reducing elderly fall rate
Methodology :
Patients with Morse Fall Score ≥45 were recruited in this pilot project. Patient with fall history 3 months before admission was collected as subjects. Recruited subjects will attend the Comprehensive Fall Prevention program. Effectiveness of the program will be evaluated by a telephone follow-up to check if there is any fall incidence within 3 months after patient was discharged home. The percentages of fall incidence pre and post fall prevention program were compared.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 201 high risk fallers admitted to SH from 1st Jan, 2018 to 31st Dec, 2018 were included in this project. 47.8% of the patients had fall incidence in 3 months before admission. After the intervention, only 11.9% of the same group of patients had fall incidence in 3 months after discharge.

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