Authors (including presenting author) :
So NY, Yan YP, Lai YW
Affiliation :
Central Nursing Division, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
To pursue Hospital Authority’s value “Patient-Centred Care, Professional Service Through Committed Staff Teamwork”, Central Nursing Division, Kwong Wah Hospital is on-going providing venepuncture and cannulation training to all nurses. These trained nurses would improve quality service to patients, because they not only would provide venepuncture and cannulation service, in particular when handling emergency cases, but to provide clinical monitoring for phlebotomy service i.e. service by team approach.
Objectives :
Objectives: (1) To improve patient-centred care quality service by providing a well design venepuncture and cannulation safety training program for all nurses with application of adult learning styles. (2) To ensure job task competencies, i.e. requirements for knowledge, skills and attitude through expertise training.
Methodology :
Training activities that would generate enjoyment were conducted, with a view to create a positive, enjoyable learning environment. A variety of training and motivation techniques suitable for adult learning styles were also used. Workshop would include lectures, demonstrations, video shows, manikin practices, teach-back, and evaluation; Post-workshop would include clinical observational scheme, and on-demand manikin practical training.
To ensure job task competencies, experts from respective areas were invited, including doctors, laboratory staffs, devices specialists, Coaching Team and Professional Development Team.
Result & Outcome :
Results: The first phase of training for year 2018 was just completed. In past five years (2013 -2017), a total of 468 nurses had completed the program. In our training needs analysis survey 2018, results revealed in new graduated nurses group, the training needs for venepuncture and cannulation is ranked as 12 over 37 training topics. Meanwhile, the training demand is high because at least 90 training quotes are required per year. Outcomes: These well-educated and trained, shared common values nursing workforce is strongly correlated with a positive impact on high quality venepuncture and cannulation service. Lastly, with a view to optimize the Training Return-On-Investment, measurement of training outcome will be enhanced in future, for example job and organization performance criteria will be included.