Authors (including presenting author) :
Chau I(1), Law A(1), Kwan KK(2), Lau SC(2), Ng PY(2), Chan MY(3), Li C(3), Or SL (4), Poon HM(4), Tsing WL (4), Wong W(4), Chau WL(5), Tso M(5), Wong WY(5)
Affiliation :
(1) Caritas Medical Centre, (2) Kwai Chung Hospital, (3)North Lantau Island Hospital, (4) Princess Margaret Hospital, (5) Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
HA identified clinical decision making, prioritize nursing activities, and clinical handover as the most difficult tasks faced by newly graduated Registered Nurses (RN) in daily work. A qualitative study was needed to explore the causes to help enhancing orientation programs in Kowloon West Cluster (KWC).
Objectives :
(1)To explore the experiences encountered by the participants (2017 intake RNs). (2)To examine the contributing factors of these experiences described. (3)To explore the participants’ views on the orientation programs received in KWC.
Methodology :
Conducted focus group interviews and explored the experience of participants working in acute clinical settings in KWC hospitals. The dialogues during the interviews were analysed, with categories and contributing factors of experience encountered by the participants identified.
Result & Outcome :
4 categories identified with positive & negative experiences(1)Clinical decision making(2)Prioritize nursing activities(3)Clinical handover(4)Training. The first 3 were the same as those identified by HA. Participants appreciated experience sharing & coaching from colleagues & gained job satisfaction through praise & encouragement from senior. They experienced stress induced by role adjustment during the transition period due to(1)Knowledge & practice gap(2)Lack of confidence(3)Different expectations from colleagues(4)Happenstance & learning via trial & error.They suggested areas for enhancement of the KWC orientation programs:(1)More scenario-based training for clinical decision making(2)Use to-do-list to share method on prioritizing nursing activities(3)Suggested format & rehearsal for clinical handover(4)More coaching from clinical preceptors for theoretical,practical & emotional support(5)Experience sharing by senior(6)Same duty arrangement with preceptor(7)Protected training time