Seeing Through the Users Eyes : Developing Mental Health Ordinance Promotion Pamphlet with Service Users Perspective

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee CK, Lau YC, Siu WYM, Wong CMA, Wong CBG, Chew TS, Ma MT, Chiu WYC, Tsang HY, Hung CK, Fok YHD, Sen KM
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Psychiatry, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
The development of this promotion pamphlet on Mental Health Ordinance (MHO) was initiated by the ‘Promotion Group on Application of Mental Health Ordinance’ of Department of Psychiatry (Kowloon Hospital). It is an attempt to enhance understanding of in-patients and carers on the legal status relating to MHO (Cap136). It is believed that the lack of understanding of MHO is one of the essential elements in advocating the public’s rights and choices in seeking psychiatric treatment and hospitalization care. Apart form this purpose, the pamphlet has the distinctive feature : Seeing through the Users Eyes. It explored the service users perspective on MHO and focused on the commonest concerns about MHO.
Objectives :
- To increase inpatients and carers knowledge and understanding about MHO - To raise awareness of the legal rights under the MHO - To enhance engagement of inpatients and carers for the Mental Health Service under MHO - To act as an informative resource for public education on MHO
Methodology :
The development of this pamphlet was a partnership project. The ‘Promotion Group on Application of Mental Health Ordinance’ of Department of Psychiatry (Kowloon Hospital) provided the professional input and opinion. Meanwhile, service users perspectives was given equal importance. An opinion survey by questionnaire was conducted by the Promotion Group. It aimed to capture the useful information what are their most concerns about MHO. We invited Service Users of inpatient, peer support workers and carers. After the survey, all concerns from service users were calculated statistically and analyzed. Relative Ranking from the most concern to the least concern was made. Those relatively in the top concerns from the service users perspective would be reflected in the content of the pamphlet.
Result & Outcome :
According to clinical observation and the pilot survey from service users and peer support worker, 13 mostly concerns about MHO were sorted out. An opinion survey by questionnaire based on these 13 concerns was conducted for service users perspective on MHO. Respondents were also allowed to express other personal concern. In total, it surveyed 56 inpatients and 62 carers. Findings showed that each respondent expressed 7 concerns on average on MHO. After discussion, these top 7 mostly concerns were finalized as the content of the pamphlet. Q&A format was adopted. All the 7 concerns were edited as a tri-fold design for a concise and informative pamphlet.

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