Authors (including presenting author) :
Tung MMK(1), Lai YW(2), YIP P(1), Leung JYK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Administrative Services Division, Kwong Wah Hospital / TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital, (2)Central Nursing Division, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Organization that is effective in providing safety and high-quality care works is committed to create, support and sustain a culture rooted in safety and quality. Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital (WTSH) are committed to providing and continuously improving on safe and healthy working environment for our staff. To sustain a high level of performance on occupational safety and health (OSH), KWH and WTSH has implemented a 3-year strategy with 3-tier approach – “hospital”, “department” and “staff” by application of 3 models.
Objectives :
With an aim to promote the cultural value of the hospitals “Healthy People Happy Staff”, we have focused on health promotion programs on healthy eating, mental well-being and physical health improvement activities.
Methodology :
Apart from general and distinctive training and promotion on physical health & exercise, healthy eating, stress management / psychological support, the Hospitals implemented 3 innovative star programs.
1) “心星互賞加油站” is to create a supportive environment and cultivate recognition to the staff in facing increasing challenges and stressful working environment in the hospitals by promoting support and appreciation to each other and encouraging healthy life.
2) “Workplace Health Promotion Program” is to launch a baseline assessment on frontline staffs’ physical health by handgrip & flexibility assessment coupled with onsite teaching of specific stretching. To assure the sustainability, train-the-trainer sessions are arranged for individual departments.
3) “Recognition of Independence of Health Factors” is to tailor made physical activity programs and health education modules to meet individuals’ needs.
Result & Outcome :
With the 3-year strategy of “Health People Happy Staff” from 2016 to 2018, we got incredible reduction in the number of injury-on-duty cases from 199 to 158 (-21%) in KWH and from 44 to 23 (-48%) at WTSH.