Enhancemnt of Nurse-Patient Communication via Smart Use of Call Bell

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SW(1), Ho KL(1), Chu KY(1), Hung NCK(1), Yeung HW(1), Chan KF(1), Wong LWM(1), Chui ST(2), Ho BKY(3)
Affiliation :
(1)Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital (2)Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital (3)Central Nursing Divisions,NTEC
Introduction :
The call bell system serves as a fundamental communication tool that connects the care providers and the patients. Communication breakdown will result if patient unable to access their call bell. It relates to patient safety, quality of care and patient satisfaction. Preventable harm may be reduced by providing prompt nurse attention. Therefore, it is important to enhance the provision and use of call bell to patient.
Objectives :
1.To improve communication via patient-led nurse attendance by the effective use of call bell. 2.To increase patient satisfaction by providing prompt assistance. 3.To improve the accessibility of the call bell to patient
Methodology :
1.Design a poster with slogan to emphasize the importance of using call bell and to check call bell within patient's reach after attending patient. 2.Post the posters in ward area to reinforce all staff in providing of call bell. 3.Put the alert card beside each call bell to raise relative awareness. 4.Educate patient and their family to use call bell with return demonstration. 5.Reinforce all staff to give call bell with proper steps and response promptly.
Result & Outcome :
1.To perform on site audit on call bell usage on patient periodically. 2.To perform patient and caregiver satisfactory survey related to call bell use by the end of April.

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