Authors (including presenting author) :
Lui WK (2)
So Hui Lik (1) (2)
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Service Division, United Christian Hospital
(2) Department of Medicine, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
2017-2018 UCH PASS (Preceptee Adaptation Simulation Session) were held which is a simulation based advanced skills training for demonstration of integrated clinical knowledge, skills and affective skills to evaluate preceptee’s professional competence.
Objectives :
Upon successful completion preceptees will be able to:
Train up in usage of common medical equipment and medication with actual ward environment.
Identify the deteriorated condition in mostly common medical problem and carry out the appropriated nursing actions for the critical ill patient
Perform effective resuscitation skills with team approach
Demonstrate the effective communication skills among health care team and patient’s relatives
Enhance safety during intra hospital transport of critical ill patient.
Methodology :
A whole day workshop was held by ward manager, clinical teacher and senior nurse at ward. There had 6 situations (COAD, Convulsion, CVA, ACS, CPR, and Parapac & critical transport) tailor made for preceptees. Each simulation session had introduction, drill, facilitator feedback, tutorial, investigation interpretation.
Result & Outcome :
There were 9 preceptees joined the program.
Their satisfaction score as follow (1-6, 6 is highest)
The program enhance confidence in patient care @5.33
Equip preceptee with professional practice skills to deliver safe and quality care @5.22
Prepare you for an actual patient encounter with the same chief complaint @5.33
Increase sense of belonging to ward 9B@ 5.44
You agree that the program is practical/ useful @5.66
You agree that the facilitators feedback was informative and useful@ 5.33
You agree that you are satisfied with the program as a whole @5.44
the program duration is just right 100%